Summer Bride/ Color
How we communicate is connected by color with vision
being the primary source of all our experiences. Through this universal message, everyone is
influenced throughout their day to day by color choices. Personality and lifestyle reflect through use
of color and creativity—with the help of ACME Party & Tent, your event will
be able to mirror your own uniqueness.
Everyone has favorite colors- colors that speak about who you are, how you live, and how you celebrate. This month at ACME Party and Tent we are focusing our emphasis for that special summer bride to help your wedding be an unforgettable one. ACME Party & Tent has all your linen needs table clothes, chair covers, napkins, and sashes. We have a wide spectrum of colors to choose from. Color is a significant component in our lives. It has been a part of the natural world since the beginning of time; still we continue to be captivated by the mystifying nature of this subject. Our personalities can be reflected in our color choices.
Color has a variety of
meanings with each being different in each part of the world.
An example of this comes from our culture in the West:
An example of this comes from our culture in the West:
RED- energy, excitement, action
PINK- caring and nurturing
ORANGE-affordable or inexpensive items
YELLOW-happiness, joy
GREEN-spring, new birth, regeneration
BLUE-trust and authority
WHITE-brides and weddings
BLACK-power, control, intimidation
BROWN-down to earth, practical
During the month of June, ACME Party & Tent offered
a special of Rent One, Get One Free on
all table linens (excluding napkins, sashes, and chair covers). Because the response was so successful, we
are extending that offer through the month of July.
today to take advantage of our linen special at 713-729-2424
or email